I love a good challenge, especially if it scares me a little. The fear response is there to stop us from doing dangerous things. Unfortunately, that emotion is a bit overdeveloped in most people and we tend to turn away from things that are, at worst, only uncomfortable. With any good challenge, you need to evaluate what the worst possible outcome is, so that you know the full extent of what you are committing to. The trick is to evaluate that wost probable outcome with it's likely hood, to put it into perspective. If you fear something, and you're OK with the consequences, then you should do it.
Goal #4 is to hack life thee times (once per quarter for the first three), and learn something new. Thus this is a three part Goal. (bringing my total to 12! (I love the number 12))
Whether these things are useful or whimsical have yet to be determined, as I've only decided on the first of the three. This goal is about deconstructing, streamlining, and remapping a skill.
Recognizing that I may be using terms unfamiliar to some, I will try to explain:
Hack: Originally this meant a rough clumsy job done in haste, it now often means the opposite; an elegant solution to a complicated problem, usually done in an efficient manner. From that the term lifehack came to mean making changes, sometimes radical though always clean, to boost productivity.
Deconstruct: Analyze and evaluate all the parts of something to determine the necessary components. AKA, Learn the Rules.
Streamline: What is the quickest way to change my skill set to include the basics of how the skill is constructed.
Remap: Adapt my mental constructs or physical motor skills to match those that have this skill. Also known as modeling.
For the past two years, I've had a fascination with American Sign Language (ASL), though have not taken the time to set down learn it. If I continue to just dabble with this skill, I may never have more than a 1o word vocabulary.
Goal #4.1 is to be able to hold a basic conversation in ASL.
Goal #4.2 is (undecided)
Goal #4.3 is (undecided)
Post Script: Do you have suggestions of skills that you'd like me to hack? I'm open to suggestions.
-Maarburg posting from just outside cyberspace
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